There are two types of holiday homes: static and mobile. Mobile holiday homes arenot new. Campervans and tourer cars are still very popular and a scourge formotorists who get stuck behind them on the motorways during bank holidaysweekends. Static homes are exactly whatthey sound like. They are placed in designated spots on holiday parks and staythere until removed or moved to another location.
There are many static homes available for sale across theUK. All major sites have a sales office. You can also search online andsometimes look in classifieds to find them. To save some money, youshould use the same caution as if you were purchasing a used car. Before you hand over any money, verify that the van isactually theirs.
Many people choose to look at the first option whensearching for static homes for purchase. If you frequent the same park frequently and wish topurchase a home there, this is a great option. You can visit their sales office to see the currentinventory of static homes on their park. Then you can take a look at them andcheck out their style and location.
You can also talk to the sales team about site fees,maintenance, and potential yield if you decide to sublet. It is a good idea for youto contact the park team if you are considering renting. You will be paid a commission, but they will reimburse youif the tenant causes damage to your holiday home. This is something that isdifficult to prove if it is being advertised by you.
Site fees are the equivalent of council tax for caravanparks. They cover services such as garbage removal and grass cutting. It is possible to arrangefor the cleaning of your home to be done between tenants. This allows you toverify that there has not been any untoward damage.
You probably already know where you want your van to beplaced. Otherwise, it may take longer to get it there.
It is easy to find static homes for sale. You can alsoshop around for the best home for you in an area with many parks.